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Exploring Legal & Business History 


I am currently a professor at Wilfrid Laurier University in the Department of History where I research the history of law, moral economies and business.

New Research and Presentations

The Intellectual History of Milton Friedman's Criticism of Corporate Social Responsibility

My article on the intellectual origins of Milton Friedman's famous criticism of corporate social responsibility and monopoly is now available at Modern Intellectual History 

King James VI and I: A Roundtable

The anniversary of the death of King James VI and I is approaching, and so is the publication of a collection of new essays on his reign, including my chapter on corruption. The Institute for Historical Research in London, UK is hosting a roundtable (virtual) and for more information, see their site.

The Cambridge Constitutional History of the United Kingdom

It's out! This two volume work offers new perspectives on the constitutional history of the United Kingdom. Check it out here  (and my chapter on the sixteenth-century constitution)

Lady Byron and the Impact of Women on Early Co-operative Thought

Discover new sources of early co-operative thought in Britain and especially the impact of Lady Byron's ideas on the movement in my new article. Have a look

Smuggling Database

Explore the early modern smugglers' world and visit my new database on smuggling prosecutions

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